Land of Origin,
Essence of JOA vision and a lot of Passion
At 20 kms distance from Bragança, we can find Parada. A typical Village whose name is associated with the historical and geographical settings, which have always made this place a mandatory stopover. Maybe this is the reason why here, in Parada, time keeps on moving slowly, not rushing to get anywhere.The perfect condition to Jorge Ortega Afonso (JOA) to return to his land, his home, to realize the greater dream of making from an old Straw house, a winery to produce his unique wines.
140 years of land that gives us grapes from more than 20 varieties
From the shale essence and thrashed by very high temperatures, Parada ‘Terroir’ is located at a height of 700 meters.
An unique land that in the past offered considerable amount of aluminum and wolfram and which now welcomes Vines with over 120 years of existence and harvests with over 20 varieties of grapes. Due to its centennial age and the traditional processes of grafting and straining, it is possible to find different varieties in a single strain, making the wine process a true alchemist exercise. The final result is an unique wine, with a very interesting and peculiar complexity.

Place of Wines, Vision and lot of Passion
From the desire to return to his origins, Jorge Ortega Afonso (JOA) has joined the will to realize the greater dream of making from an old Straw house, a winery to produce his wines.
The Casa DO JOA is, therefore, the epicenter and heart of this dream that brings together a man with his land. Gathering traditions from other times with the most innovative Oenological techniques. That combines the passion for wine to the pleasure of creating it in his own winery which he calls HOME, because he feels at Home when he is here.

A passion for the art of wine and an eternal love to Alto Transmontano.

When we hear him talk about wines, with such a character, you would hardly imagine that JOA leads life as CIO.
Career which embraced away from Parada, after taking his degree in Lisbon, where he joined both his studies with the activity as taxi driver. Yes. Taxi driver. And as a taxi driver is never still, JOA combined his Professional life with the deepening of his oenological knowledge.
First with a Master’s degree in Enology, then with a postgraduate studies in Wine business at ISEG – School of Economics and Management.
Knowledge he applies now in the new challenge of uplifting his own winery, with all the love to Alto Transmontano that distance never wiped off.